Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Bards Tale ~ Episode 1: Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule

It has been a long time since I have walked the grounds of this place. Well in this form anyway. I come here when they revamp the zone but I really never leave the Throne room area. 

First complaint. When I pull up the Brewall map (thank you for whoever did that BTW) it shows numerous named that are not on the achievement list. It was literally making me nuts until I realized that the map is from the Revamp zone. /grumble

While I sit here and wait for mobs to spawn, I will tell you a little about my illusion that I have on today. It is a basic skeleton illusion from the clicky "Amulet of Necropotence" This clicky drops from either Dread, Fright or Terror in the Plane of Fear. Have fun getting it though. Usually these camps are permacamped. (Not sure if you can get them from the instance zone or not)

(yes I know I used this one in my last blog)


Mini Cazic and I were standing around talking about how powerful his dad was. He says his Dad is the strongest beast in the world, I disagreed and said he was pretty wimpy in my eyes. He gave me a nasty stare for a long time.

I had to break the silence with a little music. Mini Cazic seems to like the song "Hip Hop Hooray"




Old World Fear #1...Underwater. I use to HATE being underwater. Before the enduring breath items were released and you had to rely on either your own spell of Enduring Breath or someone elses, I would have literal panic attacks everytime I went under water. As you can imagine, Kedge Keep was hell for me. 

I am enjoying it now.


As I was looking at what to fight next, I remembered that there was a pretty neat quest in here once upon a time. The Ring of Fear. I can tell you now that I am pretty pissed off that it is gone. I see the Agent of Change at the front and read that it might trigger it but then some say it doesn't and just triggers the Slime event. /scowl Will update that at a later time.

Speaking of the Slime event, I managed to trigger it or whatever. I have never done it before but after I tried pulling a swirling ooze and it wouldn't come along with the others, I figured something was up. Immediately after his death a bubbling ooze appeared followed by a boiling ooze and then an acidic mass. It took FOREVER to kill that last one and all it dropped was a crappy pauldron. 


****NAMED MOBS****

(Only listing what I consider actual named mobs as some of these that they have on the achievement list is BS)


Kind of hard to siphon a soul that isn't there. I let him think he was getting the upper hand (I was actually not fighting because I was taking screenshots) but within a few hits, I released all the souls he had taken.


This guy was pretty pissed off to see me. I am pretty sure he gets mad at any humans he sees...err...I mean anyone that he sees after the whole Harambe ordeal. 


This little guy, bless his heart, is just misunderstood. He is a tiny little terror and I am sure all the big ones pick on him so he has to act mean. He begged me to put him out of his misery.


It's a big ass hairy spider. Enough said. #deathtoallspiders


Now this guy was a little bigger than the rest but not too big to take down. He was so cute though and I couldn't understand why he chose this life. Look at this face!
Oh...wait. Maybe it is the GIGANTIC jaws he has that makes him think he needs to be all about this murder life. 


I don't care that he is a pretty shade of bright yellow, he still has 8 legs and crawls. Cazic is safe. No more spiders.


Why are these guys so cute when they are just standing there?
Not so much when they are trying to eat you.


I had just told him the old EQ joke "A Ranger walks into a bar...LOADING PLEASE WAIT". At least he had a good laugh before I made sushi out of him!


Some achievements I achieved (duh lol) while I was hanging out in Cazic.

Goo-dness Gracious(killed 100 goo)

Get The Broom(killed 100 spiders)

Better Get A Barrel(killed 100 monkeys)

Quit Dragon Your Heels(killed 100 Raptors)

**Just a side note, when doing the Hunter Quest here, you are going to be waiting FOREVER for the one slime and 2 skeeters that pop down in the sewers. This is ridiulous!

Thank you guys for reading!! I am really having so much fun with this (so far...ask me again later)

~Orche Stra~

A Bards Tale ~ Intro

Hello Norrathians!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Orche Stra (can you guess the class?) and I am currently sitting at the level of 96 where I am the moment. I won't tell you my race because I have so many clickies that I love to use that it wouldn't matter anyway.

 A little back ground; I have been playing EQ since Beta, I have jumped around to different servers because I get bored easily, I led my own raiding guild back in the day...WAY back in the day. I am currently playing on the TEST server but am actually from Luclin. I am really enjoying this test server. I can get on when I want, do what I want and not have to hear about raiding or leveling or any of that crap. Which brings me to why I am writing this blog. 

I am going to take you on MY journey of the neverending EQ quests, starting with the achievements. I am going to go through old school zones and slay monsters like it was 1999, only I am WAY more advanced and slice through some of these like butter...well maybe not butter because cold butter can be a little hard. Maybe temperature margarine. That is better! ANYWAY...I hope you enjoy my journey as I know that I will!!

*side note: I had already started these quests a few days before and had finished Chardok and was working on Chardok B. Will start this blog off with the Original EQ*

~ Orche Stra~

Monday, August 21, 2017

Mounts, Mounts, Mounts!!

Fellow Norrathians, I ask you - Have you ever seen some hot shot riding around town with his awesome, jacked up mount? 

(Lady Shanaynaye the Baconizer; TEST Server)

(Drydin; TEST Server)

(Lady Valuuilea; TEST Server)

(Lady Shanaynaye the Baconizer; TEST Server)

(Lady Shanaynaye the Baconizer; TEST Server)

Have you ever thought, "Wow that guy looks so cool! I wish I could have a cool mount like him!"?

Never fear, I have the perfect solution! Just hop on and ride along with them!

(Lady Shanaynaye the Baconizer, Nerdist, Steelplate, and Exarch Teareye; TEST Server)

(Lady Shanaynaye the Baconizer and Nerdist; TEST Server)

(Lady Shanaynaye the Baconizer, Nerdist, Steelplate, and Exarch Teareye; TEST Server)

(Lady Shanaynaye the Baconizer, Nerdist, Steelplate, and Master Fletcher Warpotatojr, Favored of the Gods; TEST Server)

Worked like a charm! And of course, riding on the back of a mount with your friends always makes you a little bit closer.... 

Or maybe a lot closer..

Maybe too close..

Check out the full video on Youtube:

Be sure to catch all of Cats Meow's Livestreams mostly everyday. :)

And if you're ever out and about on the Test server, make sure you catch a ride with Nerdist Taxi Company. Send me your screenshots. I need them.

And even if he's not on a mount, Just hitch a ride on his back. Taking those screenshots as well. 

Monday, August 7, 2017

Intoduction to "Happy Hour"


My name is Sandarah (otherwise known as Sandarah the Sunny). I originate from the lovely server of Test. Not the typical server you think of when you hear about everyone's journey's.. Especially since there isn't that many people in our world... But what can I say? I was created on this server and I can't change it. Just have to embrace it. 

And I have! 

I live with my dad in Crescent Reach where I've lived a very happy life. I just live with my dad. Here, I'll show you who my dad is!

My dad is on the dragon counsel, so he's a very busy man. However, that doesn't stop him from being the best dad in the world. 

We always have such a good time.

My mom was a brave warrior. She disappeared after she ventured into the Mucktail caves in Blightfire Moors. 

My life goal: to spread the happy all through Norrath. Even if I have to switch servers. I'll do it. 

Watch out, Norrath. You're going to get a big ball of sunshine headed your way! :)