Greetings, Norrathians. Today I will take you on a journey through our lives on Norrath.
Cielis and Hellobeast were both born in the quaint Vah Shir town of Shar Vahl
to a mother named Chialle.
Chialle is a hard working Vah Shir. She sells many essential products to the people of Shar Vahl to ensure their comfort. She may not be the richest one in town, but she's definitely one of the most popular.
When Cielis and Hellobeast were of the age to leave town and venture outside of their city, their mother gave them precious rings so that even if times got rough and they got hurt, their mother would be there with them every step of the way (since going back to their hometown would be nearly impossible with the dangers around every corner around Norrath).
They've treasured these rings since the day they got them. And one day they hope to pass them down to their generation of kids who may come in future times.
Cielis and Hellobeast were born of different fathers, which is not uncommon in the feline kingdom. Both fathers played essential roles in their children's lives by training them the way they were supposed to go. Teaching them about the world and the people in it and fighting for what they believed in.
was born of a man named Fehril.
Fehril and her grandfather Grawleh
taught young Cielis the knowledge of healing and making people stronger. Training pets to assist her on the way, and successfully hitting their opponents where it hurts. You can clearly tell that Cielis got her beauty from her mother.
was born of a man named Poren.
Poren and her grandfather Sahdi
taught young Hellobeast the art of fighting with her hands along with their pets who accompany them along the way. Also to make their foes stronger and weaken their enemies. Hellobeast gets her strong appearance from her father.
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