Saturday, May 7, 2016

A Tale of Two Kitties: Episode 1 - Cielis and the Mortifying Moors (Part 2)

(Click pictures to make them bigger)

Day 2 in the Mortifying Moors.

Cielis and Hellobeast awoke at dawn to the sound of travelers passing through the camp. They knew it was time to move to their next location. 

They walked for hours and hours before they found themselves lost. Passing many crocodiles who didn't pay them too much attention along the way. But maybe there was hope for them afterall. There was a tower ahead! 

But no. There was not hope in this tower, indeed. In fact, quite the opposite. The yard around the tower was surrounded by strong skeletons. That should have been their cue to turn around and run to never return. However, being the brave and fearless Vah Shir's they are, Cielis and Hellobeast continued on through the smoke up the ramp into the tower court.



What a grave (literally) mistake they made! There was not help up there! There was no one to give directions! There was a walking skeleton who was covered in blood waiting to give Cielis and Hellobeast a nice beating! 

(This picture is not mine. Had to Google search it. Hehe)

There was no way out, for the skeleton guards in the yard had all heard the commotion and were standing guard at the bottom of the ramp. They had to fight. It was the only way. 

It was a hard battle. But they did win! They sat down and waited for the yard guards to go back into formation before they sneakily ran off to never return to that dark, demented tower. 

They continued their journey into the Moors and stopped at what seemed like a peaceful place. 

The calm of the area was a big relief for the weary travelers. So they rested. But little did they know what was in front of them. Wolves! Wolves in every direction!

And what's worse?? They were GHOSTS! They kept switching back and forth into ghost form and animal form! How are you suppose to successfully hit a ghost? Thankfully, they weren't as strong as they looked and they were easily taken down.

I wish I could stand here today and tell you that the ghost wolves were the last of their troubles in the Moors, but unfortunately there was a creature shrieking in the woods ahead. Pacing, waiting for the right moment to strike. 

All was calm again. Cielis and Hellobeast were certain that their journey through the Moors was over... But then they heard the loudest screech that could melt brains. A screech that stopped them in their tracks and brought them to their knees in sheer agony. A screech... That will never be forgotten. And then they saw it. The creature that let out the horrible screeches. One of the main things they had been warned never to come across. 

Ursula the Green Witch

They could not believe their eyes. And they could not let her find them behind her. But she had. She noticed them standing too close to her and she began chasing them at full speed.

Cielis and Hellobeast took off running to get out of the Moors. Enough was enough! 
Ursula was behind them every step of the way.
The ground shook from her thunderous screeches. Cielis and Hellobeast falling to their knees everytime she screeched. Their minds numb and their bodies aching, they ran as fast as they could. 
After running for what seemed like forever they saw it. The knowledge book! They ran and finally were free from the grasp of Blightfire Moors. Safe in the beautiful Plane of Knowledge.

In the library, Cielis wrote a note.

A Tale of Two Kitties: Episode 1 - Cielis and the Mortifying Moors (Part 1)

(click pictures to make them bigger)

Today's journey follows Cielis and Hellobeast on their first adventure through the Moors of Blightfire.

In the brochure Cielis received in the mail, the Moors didn't seem like all that bad of a place. She heard there were neighborhoods and villages to never wander in, but it seemed like the worst problem was the rat and snake infestations.

Boy, was she wrong.
With Hellobeast as her leader, she entered into a scene straight from a horror film.

Now normally Cielis trusts Hellobeast since they are sisters afterall... But in this scary place, it almost seemed as if Hellobeast was leading her to her death. 

She had never seen a place like this before... Where the wilderness came to life and fought you.

From the trees

Which were so big that when you killed them, you could play a cool game of hide and seek and win!

To the evil hedges who were the meanest of all the plants..

As Cielis stood on the hill looking down at the evil creatures below, she knew this would not be an easy task. This land was cursed. She could feel a difference in the area than when she was with the trees.

The area where the the trees lived, while dark and scary, did not compare to the oppressive feeling in the air around the hedges. The air was heavy and still, almost calm, but far from calm. The area was dark, hazy, and quiet. You could hear the buzzing of bees and bixies in the far distance. As she moved forward, she could feel the hedges looking at her with hollow black eyes watching her every move.. Waiting.. Waiting for her to move into their territory they needed to protect.

She moved forward, down the pathway and the only sound she heard was the buzzing of bees getting louder and louder..

But then.. There was a sound. What was that sound? It was HORRIBLE. Mind numbingly horrible! There was a shriek louder than any shriek she's heard before. The sound of roots being uprooted from the ground and leaves rustling. It could only mean one thing...

She had stepped one foot off the road and passed into the hedge devil's territory. These horrible creature were barreling at her full speed. By the time she realized what was happening, it was too late. She was already hit.

The devils did not go down easy. They were full of hatred, more than she'd ever seen. After a long, tiring fight, the battle was over. The ground was still. The air was clear and silent again. The looks she was receiving from the other hedges in the area was horrendous. They'd watched their friends and fellow soldiers fight against these cats and lose the battle. They were all full of revenge and wanted so badly for Cielis and Hellobeast to step off of the road again, for they were bound to not attack unless someone stepped off of the road.

With what had just happened... Hellobeast made the decision to leave the area. It was too risky. All of the hedges were now in unison to complete one task. Destroy who had destroyed their friends. With quick, careful movements, Cielis and Hellobeast went back down the path where they had come from to the Drakkin camp and slept.

For in the morning, their adventure was to get even more difficult than today. Today was only the beginning. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Shanaynay: Living the Gnome Life. Episode 1

Being a gnome isn't always fun and games.. Sure we can run into cracks in the wall to get away from our enemies... And we can always win at a game of "Hide n Seek" because no one can ever find us anyways.. But let me give you a scenario here.

Imagine this: There's this new event going on in your city. When you have huge festivals or celebrations, that always brings out all of the awesome food vendors from around the world. So this happens once a year. It's the 17th anniversary of  the creation of our world..

I know exactly where my favorite vendor is every year. He's always in the same spot and I know I can get my favorite sweet treat from him.
Party Cake.

Oh, Party Cake... All of it's sugary goodness and the way it just melts in your mouth. The way it makes you feel like you're on top of the world and no one can drag you down!

....Sorry.. Got a little carried away there. Back to my point.

So you go up to go to your favorite vendor to get your favorite treat... But there's an issue. You can't. Something is stopping you. What was stopping me, you ask? A very grave error and alot of miscommunication.

Do you see the problem? Do I need to zoom in?

We could not see each other.... We could not hear each other.. We could not communicate. I could not get my Party Cake.

This was not acceptable. I knew something had to be done.. But what? What could be done, when I surely couldn't grow without going through the painful experience of using a potion for me to grow.. And surely he couldn't move. He was quite busy and had to run his shop.

Then it hit me!

If I couldn't see him and he couldn't see me.. This would never work! All I had to do was see him!!! So then I finally mustered up all of my stamina and...

My plan worked!! I got my party cake! Thankfully he's very fast and I didn't have to wait too long.. It was really hard to hold on to the ledge. Good thing it gives you energy because I was so exhausted from jumping so high..

Regardless of how I got it.. I'm one happy gnome. :)

Until next time, friends.

Safe travels.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Introduction to "A Tale of Two Kitties"

Greetings, Norrathians. Today I will take you on a journey through our lives on Norrath. 

Cielis and Hellobeast were both born in the quaint Vah Shir town of Shar Vahl 

to a mother named Chialle. 

Chialle is a hard working Vah Shir. She sells many essential products to the people of Shar Vahl to ensure their comfort. She may not be the richest one in town, but she's definitely one of the most popular. 

When Cielis and Hellobeast were of the age to leave town and venture outside of their city, their mother gave them precious rings so that even if times got rough and they got hurt, their mother would be there with them every step of the way (since going back to their hometown would be nearly impossible with the dangers around every corner around Norrath).

They've treasured these rings since the day they got them. And one day they hope to pass them down to their generation of kids who may come in future times. 

Cielis and Hellobeast were born of different fathers, which is not uncommon in the feline kingdom. Both fathers played essential roles in their children's lives by training them the way they were supposed to go. Teaching them about the world and the people in it and fighting for what they believed in.


was born of a man named Fehril.

Fehril and her grandfather Grawleh 

taught young Cielis the knowledge of healing and making people stronger. Training pets to assist her on the way, and successfully hitting their opponents where it hurts.  You can clearly tell that Cielis got her beauty from her mother.


 was born of a man named Poren. 

Poren and her grandfather Sahdi 

taught young Hellobeast the art of fighting with her hands along with their pets who accompany them along the way. Also to make their foes stronger and weaken their enemies. Hellobeast gets her strong appearance from her father. 

Monday, April 18, 2016


Hey everyone! Welcome to our adventures through Everquest. Just for clarification we play Everquest 1.. Not 2.. Not project 99 even though it looks amazing. Just regular Everquest.

We've been playing for YEARS, but we finally are deciding to make a blog. Just for fun. 

Currently, we play on two servers. Those 2 servers are Luclin and Bertoxxulous. Bertox being our newer server. There won't be a scheduled post or anything.. It will strictly be when we want to post, we post. Even if it takes 3 years in between blog posts. 

There will be some series, but some of the posts might just be random gameplay posts.

Thanks ahead of time for joining in on our adventures! If you ever want to play together, just let us know. We aren't stingy who we play with. 
