Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Bard's Tale ~ Episode 2 ~ Illusions

Hello Norrathians!!

While I was still playing around in Cazic trying to finish up some rare mobs I was granted this out of nowhere.

(Autumn Appreciation Bonus '17)

It states it is a faction modifier (still not sure for what) but BONUS it is an ILLUSION CLICKY!!

If you know me (and you probably don't because I mean I just started this blog and have had barely any viewers lol) you will know that I am an ILLUSION WHORE! I absolutely love my illusions (I will do a seperate blog on all the illusions I have at another time) so getting this was the highlight of my day! (Now if I could just get these mobs to spawn /sigh)

Here is the illusion

(Sarnak Skeleton)

It is only available for a certain amount of time so if you have All Access log on between 9/20/17 and 10/15/17 to get yours!!

Happy Hunting all!

~Orche Stra~